"Heute bin ich an der Reihe einige Worte ueber unsere Mission zu schreiben. Aber geht das nur "eingige Worte" ueber meine Eindruecke zu schreiben? NEIN!Man kann nicht beschreiben was in einem vergeht, wenn man mit dem Bus vor dem Klinikgelaende vorfaehrt und 1000 Menschen klatschen!! Das ist ueberwaltigend! Danke das ich an dieser Erfahrung teihaben darf! Danke fuer viele neue Freunde! Danke OneSight!" Michael Heinz, Mannheim, Deutscheland
"Ciao a tutti! Qui sta andando tutto molto bene, L'esperienza e' bellissima ed e' incredibile quanta gente riusciamo ad aiutare, i loro sorrisi a danno l'energia per affrontare queste giornate di duro lavoro. Un saluto speciale al centro di reciclaggio di Agordo." Sonia Brancher, Agordo, Italia
"Onesight Paraguay Mission has been such an amazing experience for me so far. Everyone here and in our team are so friendly. I was actually overwhelmed the first day of clinic seeing the number of patients waiting, but we diligently worked together & I was amazed how fast we were. I was surprised we saw over a thousand patients in about 4 hours! This is definitely an experience of a lifetime!" Dr Tina Do, Huntington Bch, California
1847! Incredibly enough, today was even smoother than yesterday. We ended up seeing over 1847 recipients today. What an amazing feat! There are so many stories and photos, I wish I could show them all here.
One that stands out is about a 9 month old boy with extreme strabismus, and was very shy. Dr. Karri Burresh was able to successfully use her skills to determine that he was a +5.00 hyperope. We were fortunate enough to have found a pair of glasses a team member brought with them, that were small enough to fit him. This was meant to be. When the glasses were put on him, his small face lit up, possibly seeing things clearly for the first time.
We all wish the weekend to quickly be over so we can continue our clinic on Monday. Thanks to everyone who has been following this blog, words cannot describe feelings that we have each and everyday when we read the messages that have been left. Please continue to do so and share the word to others to sign up and follow.
Glad to hear how well you all are doing!!! Population of Piribebuy is 21,800..at the rate you are going you will have seen the entire population by the end of the mission!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Jeff, sounds like you are having a great trip. It is amazing that there is so much need for what is taken for granted here. The garden is doing well. We are going to pick onions today, they look Muy delicious.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, Hope all is well and everyone is enjoying their weekend. Thank "GOD" for people like you!!! May "GOD continue to give you the strength, power, and love to give to all of those great people that come to you!!! Love Jenn:-) OOOXXX
ReplyDeleteHello Lisa! Jeanne says "I am glad to here that everything is well. What an exeprience... to help people view their surroundings more clearly. Hope you are enjoying yourself. LOVE JEANNE"
ReplyDeletehello paraguay team its the weekend and i know all you guys enjoying the weekend. I like the pictures posted and its a joy to see the smile on every parent and every child who receive the gift of sight its truely a good thing that all of you are doing and may you continue to provide to those wonderful people that come your way...always marla singh...
ReplyDeletehi dr. tanaz mohammadi. i am glad you guys made it to weekend! i liked the pictures posted. I saw a cute smiling child with glasses on. we missed you in yoga class today on saturday. don't forget to do some yoga in your room!!!!!! everyone says hi. take care and hove you.
ReplyDeleteGreetings and blessings to the team from some followers in South Carolina. We love seeing the pictures and reading the inspiring, touching stories. Keep the stories and photos coming--they bring your experience to life for us here. You are doing a wonderful thing.
ReplyDeleteWe love you, Jane!
Holly, we just got home from the lake and couldn't wait to check the blog! I love the pictures of the people in their new glasses with their big smiles. I get choked up thinking of people seeing clearly, for possibly the first time in their lives. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeletewow! what a privilege and how blessed you guys are to be able to use your skills to bring others clear eyesight!
ReplyDeletekeep safe, big hug to Karri Buresh from Margy.
Hi, Jeff -- Sounds like you are having an amazing experience, and I can't wait to hear all about it! I just got back to CoMO this evening (Sunday) and am looking forward to some normalcy. 6-hr snooze fest called "Hospital Orientation" tomorrow...ulghh! Have fun, stay safe, and don't catch dengue fever!
ReplyDeleteyou would be so proud of Tanaz, she taught Yoga today to 4 dedicated followers!
Karri... the description of how you helped that 9 mo made me shiver. God bless you, the whole team!